The Smart Report: The Plan is Working

Freedom–November 22, 2014–Since Columbus Day (10/13/14) Ossipee Lake’s water level has been going down at a moderate but steady pace. As of today, the reported level is 404.26 and should drop to or below 404 by early December.

However, we almost always have a heavy rain event by the end of December. Last year the rain came on Thanksgiving weekend and raised the level to 406.12 by December 1st. So far no heavy rain is predicted this year.

There is ice on some of the ponds. The lake and bays remain ice-free with temperatures down to the low 20s at night. Next week the temperature is predicted to reach 50 most days.

I was at the dam yesterday. All north side boards are out and guide rails for the boards have been put into winter storage position. The water level is well below the bottom of the opening. Water is flowing at a steady rate of 400 cfs through the four open south side gates. The fifth gate is closed. This is the normal configuration for the winter months.

We had some light snow last week that slowed driving for a few hours. All clear now.

Holiday greetings to your family from our family.

Bob Smart

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